myprincess » my princess - blog ishaan Pieslēgums

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this is a blog about my friend sareenapriyadarshini. she is an articulate person whom doesnt know to hide her feelings. i have never come across a person like her.

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Radīšana: 13/09/2010 14:41
Atjaunināt: 10/10/2010 15:58
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myprincess :: my princess

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: introduction - 13/09/2010 14:48

Monday, May 09, 2008
 About me:
             Hai! This is Ishaan Kumar and I’m doing m.b.b.s final year from university in Bhubaneswar, orissa. This is my blog to share my feelings about my close friend sareenapriyadarshini, whom I missed and missing a lot in my life. She is one o f the most compassionate women, I’ve ever come across. She is an articulate person. She doesn’t believe hiding her feelings. This memoir clearly brings out the transformation of rebellious person, priya. She is one of the best students in our college regarding her attitude and talent.
1. First introduction:
                   After my holidays … I’m stepping towards medical college for admission. That’s the first day to college, I dn’t find even one senior in the college... only juniors were in the verandahs to take admission. I thought that they are busy with their classes.
                  Even in the interval they dn’t come to us, I thought may be they made a plan to fool juniors…. I feared, worried a lot. Some juniors in our college cried and went back to their houses and came along with their parents.
                 With the help of our staff helping boys I went to my class room. No faculty over there… hope there‘ll is no teaching class at the beginning … but when I saw juniors in the class I’m relaxed…. On a belief that “unity in diversity” .On the day I sat in the second bench.
                 Every one in the class was silent….. Waiting for faculty eagerly…… that’s the first class.
After sometime, each and every one started watching their faces one another ….. I mean they are willing to introduce them selves… some introduced their beside ones and talking seriously as if they were friends from their childhood. Some kept quiet as if they had golden tooth and it falls when they talk or smile and some were seriously writing something in their notes… like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana ….. Any how all were too busy with their works. … Meanwhile bell rang and that’s the 2nd hour.
                    For a while professor walked to our room with books in the hands. . She was Miss.priya. When she entered in our class everyone stood up and wished her. She simply smiled little and asked us to take our places … She introduced herself and showed her hand to first bench to introduce ourselves. Everyone in the class introduced their selves their names, their college, where they are from? About parents? Their ranks? Their aims, goals and many more…….
                     I never expected that medical colleges were like this … I mean ….so friendly ….. Our first class of her ends with introduction only. My classmates enable and never turn their heads in any direction …. Their eyes was surrounding around the professor … the way of her dressing, the way of her speech, hair style , hair falling on her face makes her look more beautiful as if she was an angel , just now got down from Himalayas ….. She is too beautiful with a fit personality. Not only me everyone in class was in her thought like me... one of my friends heard and told”even girls were talking about her beauty…” Some thought “I would marry a girl like the mam”, some thought “I’ll marry mam if she agrees“…..
            While introducing the last but one person our bell rang, so she was about to leave us … everyone stood up once again requesting her to stay with them by blinking their eyes…. But she went off … by laughing a little and nodding her head as she wont be with us … our friends I mean my new friend ,kept sad face with some feeling inside …. We had classes half a day at the beginning of our admission…. That means we have only three classes in the morning... so there only one class to end today’s college day.
                    Everyone was busy in talking about her ….. At that time prof. Ramanujan entered into our class... As usual everyone wished and introduced their selves to sir. He is talkative person, who came to teach us about biochemistry. He too gave an introduction about his subject. His class was jovial … he always makes everyone to laugh with his funny jokes… but regarding studies he is strict too… we spent the 3rd hour completely with his jokes … some boys rolled down in the ground … some went under the bench … to control their laugh… some girls enable to control their laugh … they got tears … and their cubbies went red … they got pain it seems…ho god!
                 And again the college bell disturbed us... That’s the last bell …. I mean we should go back to our houses….. But still our classmates were laughing by remembering that jokes and some went anxiously … about next day morning…. To see the mam…!!!!!
On the 2nd day:
                     On the second day, again she came in the first hour and explained about our college rules and regulations. Each and everyone in the class were kept silent while she was giving introduction to some topics in her subject. After those topics still there 20 minutes for next class, so she had given choice to 2 topics to discuss… meanwhile in that time. The topics were about studies and general. When everyone shouted about general .so, she decided to discuss about it. Once again all shouted “you should start the topic! You should start the topic!”
She explained about “Akshyapatra organization”. Let’s known about it in her words only…  
               It was the new and biggest organization to feeding the poor, physically handicapped and orphanage. In that organization, the people can get healthy meals for just 2 paisa for an individual…and education for children was provide at the rate of no cost. Many of the people had no shelter, no food, no one to take care of them… god’s gift! Life …. We should make use of it … our life span too short…we are lucky to give birth as a man … we can express our feelings more clearly compared to animals and others. Rite?... so we should not make any one to suffer from loneliness, hungered… One should not feel trouble and hard why god has given us this life?       They should be out of that strange feeling…. Wup!
            We are spending huge amounts of money for parties, you know, in India only for marriages large amount was used compared to all miscellaneous expenses. India was declared to be poorest among all developed countries…. you know most of our socialist party members had engineering colleges, medical colleges, software companies... Those were not in India in America and other aboard countries… our members were developing other countries by providing our economy… its fact!
 Now a days acres of land as just a birthday gift… huh! That’s strange!
           Don’t think “What can we do if they do that?” developing country needs teenagers and youth encouragement. Only we … the youth can change everything.
             We can enjoy even by helping them …. Don’t think…”We can’t, we don’t have that much to feed“, where there is will, there is way ….. we can collect funds and give it either cash or by others which is useful for them like fruits based on our budget… if you don’t have that much time … we can even visit them even on Sundays of every week … if not possible… once in a month…. Again if not possible once in 6 months…. Not possible? Once in a year… if it’s a birthday of anyone of your family members … then it becomes a most memorable day…enjoy every part of life… even its happy or sad moments… treat both are equal… share and provide enjoyment to everyone …
           All at once clapped and made whistles…
    H amm….. I’m not forcing you to do the same… it’s your wish!!!
Everyone was in that thought … she had touched everyone’s heart deeply…. All thought not beauty … but also intelligent, social worker... She had impressed not only by her behavior but by her thoughts too…at that time some dropped tears outside … some inside... in the sense... they felt heart fully to help everyone or even one. We are proud of her … many of our classmates became followers of her.
      She had a pleasing voice and it’s audible to everyone from first to last benches in the room like nightingale singing in the room. Even from outside of the class one who walks on the verandahs could hear her pleasant voice clearly…. I loved her voice a lot till now…. I would never forget her voice…Hmmm … her in my life too… not only myself my friends toooooo…..She gave the introduction as if she was an experienced faculty ,working for several years …. But by outer appearance she was looking like a girl just completed her +2…. Everyone had become big fans of her. Even now everyone can recognize her voice even if she far away from us...
             Mostly in medical colleges professors were rare to teach subjects. Likewise In our college our seniors teach the topics regarding subject and others…. Regarding subject, by this way they can improve their communication skills and can improve grip in the subject. They can interact with us without unnecessary things …. Belonging to medical stream we should not spend more time even for enjoyment... we ought to remember every corner of the topic …. As even we are sleepy, we should answer the right…our teaching staff advises as before or else they would tell you’ll become doctor but never be a good doctor … even for them … we do that. This the way to increase memory and can sharp our blunt brain…..
           So we thought Miss.Priya as … may be our senior…. She introduced herself as senior before leaving the class. Then, my friend Charan said “thank god! I’ll marry her if she accepts me…” at once some boys in the first bench laughed loudly…. Some thought ho god! there is no possibility to listen her class any more... felt bad as well as good because she was senior … so we can clarify and have more chance to move closely with her. Senior compared to faculty we can more chance rite?
        Some thought she’ll be friendly or not? And many more questions rose in each of our brains…. While listening to her. She told that maximum seniors of all years come to teach particular topic on which they had grip clearly…. By the way you can also clarify by the professor. But maximum professor’s taught only labs. They come to teach hard topics only.
        We couldn’t find any senior except her.” what happened to seniors? “The question in everyone’s mind but no one dared. To leave that tension I stood up and asked about it. She told “they were out of station on the occasion of festival. They‘ll be back to us from the next morning onwards”. Again all felt tension to face the college from the next day.” Mam! Will you come from tomorrow to teach us?” a voice from last bench … i.e. Patnaik. She answered “no! I’m not willing to come to teach you”
 No couldn’t again dare to know the reason. Again bell rang ….. Daily routine….. Some felt bad …left droplets…
       Mr. Ramanujan was absent on that day… so every one had discussion about Miss.Priya. Many of them had great discussion about her and some boys like Charan went to heaven …dreams with her. Again on the 3rd hour my fair mam came to our class….. Not to teach any topics but to rag us…. Starting from Rahul benerjee… we had fun time and difficult time at a time … lite…..lite….. But enjoyed a lot. One of my classmates sang the song not like a girl … not even a boy…. But like buffalo …unable to hear her voice… but being classmate... what can I do? Mind blocked! …. Then I thought why god gives such type of voice to take me with him? I’m unable to recover even after 10 minutes to set my mind as before.
 Miss.Priya was also talkative. She made everyone to laugh after her ragging was completed. We had good entertainment in the college. We didn’t have further classes on that day.